Leaders in Genomics: Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics (UNSW)
Hear from Professor Vanessa Hayes and Dominik Kaczorowski about how the Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics facilitates projects in cancer research, precision medicine and single cell sequencing.

Genomics is one of the fastest moving areas of science in the world – and one that enables remarkable advances in the quality of human life.

Professor O’Kane cut the ribbon to the facility, housed within the new $165 million Biosciences Building on UNSW’s Kensington campus.

Collaboration and infrastructure key in improving survival rates from Melanoma.

Scientists at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney and UNSW have discovered genetic differences between individual specimens of the ancient Wollemi pine using the latest and most advanced genomic techniques.
UNSW scientists have achieved a world first, publishing the complete DNA sequence of the Queensland fruit fly – a development which will improve both biosecurity and methods for controlling this global horticultural pest.
The Melanoma Genome Project (MGP), a large-scale national collaboration based at the Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) and managed by the commonwealth infrastructure enabling body Bioplatforms Australia (BPA), is gearing up to deliver its data early in 2014.

The mystery of why some people get fat eating high-fat foods while others can stay skinny on a diet of burgers and chips is closer to being solved.

Winemakers will gain new insight into the microorganisms in their ferments with a new research partnership between the Australian Wine Research Institute and UNSW’s Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics.